Postdoctoral Associate, MIT
with Prof. Ron Weiss, 2021 - current[Synthetic Biology, Biological Engineering, Programming Living Matter]
Postdoctoral Associate, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University
with Prof. Debora Marks, 2020 - 2021[Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Disordered Proteome]
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT
with Prof. Neri Oxman, 2018 - 2020[Artificial Life, Bio Design, Cell Simulation, Synthetic Morphogenesis]
Visiting Phd Student, EPFL
with Prof. Dario Floreano, 2015[Evolutionary Robotics, Soft Robotics, Self-Assembly]
Phd Student, University of Toulouse
with Prof. Yves Duthen & Dr. Sylvain Cussat-Blanc, 2014-2017[Artificial Life, Cell Simulation, Computational Morphogenesis, Artificial Gene Regulatory Networks]
Technical skills
- C & Modern C++ (C++20)
- Python (jax, pytorch, numpy, scipy, pandas, ...)
- SQL, Java, C#, Julia
- Qt5, OpenGL
- Electronics & PCB design (Eagle, KiCad)
- 3D CAD (Fusion 360)
- 3D CG and rendering (Blender, Unreal Engine, Houdini)
Complete academic resume here